

TED Fellowship | Apply to be a TED Fellow | Ideas Worth Spreading

The TED Fellows program provides transformational support to a global community of over 500 remarkable individuals who are collaborating across disciplines to spark future-shaping change around the world.

TED Fellow

Every year the TED Fellows program selects a new group of extraordinary, multidisciplinary individuals by open application. We look for innovators on the rise in their respective fields who are doing bold, original work.

Selection Process:

TED Fellows are selected by the program staff, with extensive reference checking, fact checking and consultation with experts across all fields.

Applicants may receive requests for additional information from our team. But unless we reach out to you, we require no further information from you.

Ultimately, there is no algorithm for selection of TED Fellows. You are selected based on your accomplishments in your respective fields, the potential impact of your work and also your character. 

Who should apply:

The TED Fellows Program recognizes the folks working on-the-ground on world-changing ideas -- the doers, makers, inventors, advocates, filmmakers and photographers, musicians and artists, educators, scientists, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and human rights activists. If you’re at work on a future-shaping idea and over the age of 18, you should apply.

The TED Fellows program is not an academic fellowship and non-traditional educations are welcome.

In addition to impressive accomplishment, fine character and a good heart are also important traits we look for in TED Fellows.

Before applying do check out the tips for applying.

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