

What is HTML ? | HTML Tags and their uses

HTML is important to create the structure of page. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML gives structure to page, CSS deals with style of page and JavaScript deals with the forced customization with the web page appearances and handling the website dynamically. 

HTML is a markup language used to create the web pages and it is very widely used by the developers. As a beginner in web development you can start learning this markup language and start creating your own web pages. However, html has many versions like xhtml, html5 and many other but the latest released version of html is html5.

learn html

First of all, we need to take care of some points -

1. Semantics is very important and it refers to the structure of the web page and the manner in which tags are written.

2. There are tags in the html to represent a type of specified feature to be represented on the web page.

3. Attributes acts like options to the html tags and we can control the working of tags and properties of tags by the attributes like we studied about the inline style in last blog and the way we express it is using the attribute i.e. we use style attribute to change  the styling of area under tag.

4. The html files are saved in either (html, htm) formats but we should use .html preferably.

5. Html is just like a page and on page we can use margin, padding, headers footers and the heading and paragraphs.

6. We use <! DOCTYPE html>, to declare type of page and it is the standard declaration to show the document is using html5. This declaration should be written at the top of html file.

A basic html structure looks like :

<! DOCTYPE html> 

                <head> <title> Page Title</title> 
                <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"href="source.css”> 
                <script src=” script.js” type=” script/js”>
                                      Contain header 


                                        Article portion 



                                        Footer portion 

So let us see some tags and learn them briefly:

  • html tag - html tag is the tag used to mark the page container in which all the children tags are used, and also we can say it is the parent tag for page.
  • head tag - head tag is used to set the head of page which consist details about page, like title of page, related hyperlinks, descriptions and relations to documents.
  • title tag - title tag is shows the title of page on the tab bar of the browser.
  • link tag - link tag is used to make relation between external document specially relating the style sheet and the icon of the page.
  • Meta tag - meta is used to specify some specific details like description and author details, etc.
  • H1 to H6 - h1 to h6 tags are used to represent different size of heading one stands for larger one and six is the smallest one.
  • p tag - p tag is used to represent a paragraph.
  • div tag - div tag is used to create a division.
  • br tag - br tag is used to create line break between two lines or paragraph or division.
  • article tag - this tag is used to create an article and it is similar to div tag.
  • span tag - span tag is used to create an inline element.
  • header tag - header tag is used to create header of page and it is inserted just inside the body tag.
  • body tag - body tag is containing all the tags inside it except the head tag
  • footer tag - footer tag is used to create the footer portion of webpage and it is inserted at the bottom of the page.
  • hr tag - it is used to create a thin line separation between line or div or paragraph.
  • table - table tag is used to create a table in the html.
  • td - this is used to enter table data.
  • tr - used to insert table row.
We hope that you have got the basic idea about HTML. Soon, we will be moving towards CSS and then creating an amazing project using only HTML, CSS and some basic JavaScript.

Stay Tuned!!

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