The top 7 reasons to learn Python programming language and why it's the need of the hour.
Today Most of Developers get confused while starting the coding programs, about what programming language they should learn and why not the other or if there is pre-requisites then what are those pre-requisites. Most of the times, it is recommended that we must learn c/c++ programming language for basic programming knowledge. These languages can be learned but more advanced programming language is already there then, why learn the older one.
• Easy Syntax w.r.t other programming languages
We can simply observe the syntaxes in the image and we can easily decide that python is more easy to write and adapt because in java and c or any other language programs it can we observed that we need to declare classes and public or private methods.
We only need to write
just one and two lines in python but in other languages same thing takes five
to six lines instead.
• Python is a cross-platform and portable language :
This is yet a very
good region to adapt python in our workspace that python codes need not
different environment on different operating systems but user just need to have
python installed on their respective operating system, and there you go you can
run your python code regardless of what operating system is it written on.
In fact, many Linux
distributions comes with python pre-installed, like in RHEL(Red hat Enterprise
Linux) and Parrot OS.
Other language like
java offer this feature but not the c programming language, because in c
language when we compile the code on window it produces the executable(.exe)
file whereas in Linux it give output(.out) file. Also we need to include some
lines above header files, like binary path.
• Support for libraries in python :
Python support a large
number of modules and libraries which makes user to perform any task from beginner
to complex levels. There is large number of libraries available in PYPI (Python
Package Infrastructure), we can easily install it using pip package manager (which
is included in the official python setup).
Python provides many
libraries built-in and they get installed automatically whenever user installs
python on their system. some standard libraries are turtle, os, system,
tkinter, math, cmath, etc.
Python has very rich
libraries like pandas(for data frame based calculations), numpy (for Numerical
computations), pygame (for game development), sklearn, tensor flow and
torch(for scientific machine learning and deep learning and they are also used
for Data science learning), matplotlib(for data visualization), pyimage for
image processing, etc.
Along with this, python
provides the user with ability to create and use their own module and publish
• Vast Use case in Different Fields :
When learning people
thinks of whether the programming language they are learning is suitable for
all works or not. Python is a general purpose programming language, which means
python has ability to perform many different different tasks such as basic
coding, machine learning, scientific computation, data analytics, data
visualizations, for web development, and most importantly in developing and
deploying cloud applications.
Due to its huge
library support, it is suitable to use at almost all the different workplaces,
even NASA, Microsoft, Google, FBI, ISRO and many other MNCs love to use python
programming language and due to its suitability it is widely accepted around
globe as a good language for coding.
• Due to Memory Reasons :
It is seen that in large scientific
calculations and data analysis, R programming language takes more memory space
for calculation and create more cache than python and python perform the same
calculation with less memory and little faster.
So data scientists are most preferring
python to use.
• Comes with IDLE & Interpreter and many other IDE support :
Python comes with built-in IDLE
(Intelligent Development and Learning Environment), which lets user write and
run the python codes in IDLE itself without having need of any external IDE.
Python also provides the interpreter that
can interpret the python code line by line in command line or terminal. Due to
this ability python is also called as the interpreted language.
There is huge number of IDEs and
development environments available for the python out of which Ipython-Jupyter
lab, intellij idea and pytorch is very popular as they provide most of the
external libraries installed in them for better use.
• Developers are Highly paid :
The most important thing while learning is
will the learning help us landing into a job or not, if it does then for sure
people adapt it and python provides a better opportunity to land you into a
highly paying job because most of the MNCs and cloud companies love to hire a
better python developer to develop the cloud frameworks.
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